Citation Builder - located within World Book Encyclopedia (ask an IMS person for the login and password if needed)
Citation Machine - choice of MLA or APA; choose the source and fill in the blanks
MLA Citation Guide
Scribr - add toolbar and use it to annotate web pages; highlight and save
Microsoft Word also has a citation builder within the program.
- Need to be cited
- Public domain images provide a line with "Courtesy of..." (put the website, person who is allowing you to use the images)
- Those with a Creative Commons license will allow you to use without author's permission as long as you cite where you obtained the image
**Sample to cite an Image from Flickr** (with a Creative Commons license)
Author's Name. Title of work. Date taken. Online image. Image site. Date seen. url.
Creative Commons
What is Creative Commons? (from PD21 class)
Flickr is an example of a company the supports a free culture where people make their creative output available for others to use. Their hope is that people will be able to build on the creativity of others. They make it easy, therefore, for users to apply a 'Creative Commons' license to their images - rather than a full copyright. If an image has a Creative Commons license, you can copy it, use it in your own work, share it, and sometimes even alter it as long as you follow the conditions set out in the license. Note: There are 6 different Creative Commons licenses each with different limitations for the user.
Creative Commons License Symbols
Familiarize yourself with these symbols. They provide information about the components of a license.
Permission is given for users to copy, adapt, display, and / or share the photo with others as long as credit is given to the author.
Share Alike 
Permission is given for others to adapt the photo (and share it) but they must apply exactly the same license to the photo as the original author did.
No Derivative Works 
Permission is given for others to use the photo but they are not allowed to change it in any way.
Permission is given for others to share the photo – but not for commercial purposes.
Attribution Plus
A license is described using a combination of these symbols.
All Creative Commons licenses include the attribution component, i.e., permission is given for users to use the photo as long as the original author is credited. (By writing a reference you 'attribute' the photo to the person who originally created it.) Additional symbols indicate what other limitations are placed on the use of images in the pool.
Images in this pool, for example, may not be adapted (they are 'non-derivative') and may not be used commercially:

Know the Terms of the License
Before using an image, always check that you know:
- What the author has allowed you to do with the image.
- What the author expects you to do when you re-use the image. You may be required, for example, to provide a link to the license.
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